When you can’t be barefoot, here’s the next best thing.
I love mine and wear them almost every day of the year.All the fun, freedom, and benefits of being barefoot, but with the protection and comfort you want in a sport sandal.Biomechanist Katy Bowman explains how our whole-body health is reduced if we don’t pick the right shoes for our body and skill-level.
A great day starts the night before.
If you watch tv or use your phone at night, these glasses will block the blue light that suppresses your melatonin and messes with your sleep.This free download warms your computer’s display after the sun sets, blocking the blue light that interferes with your sleep. The times and tones are adjustable.Don’t rely on your willpower. It decreases throughout the day, so at night it’s at its lowest. Set this timer to turn off your electronics and internet at set times.The magnesium relaxes tense muscles and helps you sleep. Applying it just before you go to bed, can be a simple ritual of touch.Artificial light coming in through your windows at night sends messages to your brain to wake up. These curtains will keep your room dark and support your sleep.This silky mask feels luxurious against your skin. It blocks light well and muffles sound. It’s a Tim Ferriss’s favorite too.I like this little mask because it has space for my eyelashes.The Five Minute Journal guides you through a few simple questions to reflect positively on your day. You can answer them in about two minutes.
Some of these classes might help you find your groove.
5 Rhythms™ is a facilitated dance practice that will help you discover authentic ways of moving, expressing and being yourself. Click on image to find a class near you.Continuum Movement™ is a facilitated practice that helps you connect with your body’s inherent wisdom, release tension, and increase sensuality and receptivity. Click image to find classes or workshops.There are many dance and movement practices beyond 5Rhythms™. Click the image to find a class near you. Also, try searching for “contact improv” or “moving meditations.”
Digestive issues, allergies and sensitivities can rob you of good health and the pleasure of eating.
The Restart Program is part nutritional education, part sugar detox, and part support group. The programs are taught around the country by certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioners.My Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Margaret Floyd, has helped me with many complex health issues. You can find her, and other practitioners, by clicking the image above.
If you become overwhelmed when noticing sensations in your body, it could be a sign of unresolved trauma.
A certified Somatic Experiencing™ Practitioner can help you resolve trauma. Many can work with you remotely via Skype and other platforms.
Further Reading:
Who knew a bio-mechanist could be so fun? Katy compels you to move, with her wicked smarts and quirky style. Click on image to order.A fantastic case for exercise! In case your brain needs compelling reasons to move your body.How to eat, move, and live in sync with your genes. Society has changed dramatically – your biology hasn’t.An easy to follow guide to the peace inside you. If you like Eckhart Tolle, you’ll love my friend, Chris PapadopoulosMeditation as a workout for your consciousness.Alexander Lowen examines the psychology and biology of pleasure, and shows how it determines our emotions, thinking and behavior.In The Spirituality of the Body, Alexander Lowen provides a unique perspective about the nature of spirituality.Waking the Tiger offers a new and hopeful vision of trauma. It views the human animal as a unique being, endowed with an instinctual capacity.How to heal trauma and become whole by bringing animal instincts and reason together.Practical methods to raise truly confident and joyful kids, despite stressful and turbulent times.
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