What are you thirsty for?

After years of drought, looking at parched landscapes and hiking barren mountains, we got rain.

Everything is lush and teeming with life. Landscapes are every shade of green and bursting with kaleidoscopes of colorful flowers. Water’s tumbling over rocks, down hills, creating creeks and pools where salamanders are busy making salamander babies.

Our once thirsty soil is vibrant and alive, expressing itself in full bloom.

What is your soul thirsting for? 

We all go through periods of drought at times. Life loses its luster and we feel kinda flat. We can even lose touch with our longing.

But like rain on California’s dry earth, there is something that would bring your soul back to life.

Give it to yourself.

The world wants you to bloom.


Feel free to share this with anyone who’s going through a dry time, and maybe find a way to be a cool drink of water to them.

I took this photo on a walk last week. It’s a field of California poppies that stretch as far as the eye can see.

Want more?Sign up for my free e-book, A Taste of Pleasure

3 thoughts on “What are you thirsty for?

  1. Wow! You are seriously the best, most engaging and streamlined writer I know! I’m thirsty for clients! I’ve learned that I truly love people being alive and life popping! I also love organizing and decluttering their lives to get them there! Not trying to promote myself here… I just love when things feel at home and the fresh clear waters of spirit are crisp, nourishing and flowing freely. I love the work I’m doing! And I love you! I’m thirsty for some Debra time 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Teri Jo. That’s so kind of you.

      And you’ve got full permission to promote yourself here. You’re great at what you do and the world needs more of it. Love Debra

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