Before you do anything for Earth Day, do this…

Whether you’re participating in a rally, celebrating at home, or forgot all about it until just now, here’s a simple little something I invite you to do as your own intimate celebration of earth. And it will only take a minute.

Go outside.
Take off your shoes.
Stand where you are.
Feel the earth through your feet.

Bring all your awareness down into your feet. Feel your soles touching the earth. Is it grass you feel, or rock or sand? Let your body rest into it. Feel the texture and temperature. Let the earth hold you up.

You’ll be amazed how quickly you’ll be back up in your thoughts, wondering, planning, rushing ahead.

Come back down.
To the only home you’ll ever have.
In this body.
On this earth.

Be in it.
Breathe in it.
Feel your soul in your soles.

You probably spend most of your time in a building, in a car, in shoes and on sidewalks. All of this can disconnect you from the earth and from yourself.

This is a chance to connect to yourself. And connect to this place. Let yourself have it.

As you touch down you’ll become more grounded. When you’re grounded you’ll access the peace that’s within you. When you access the peace inside you, that’s what you’ll share with the world.

So before you do anything on earth day. Take a moment to connect your body to your earth and and feel yourself come back home.

And if by chance you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and hopeless because things seem so batshit crazy right now, it’s good to remember that Earth Day sprung from a tragedy almost 50 years ago. And it created so much good.

Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin witnessed the destruction caused by a massive oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara in 1969 and got the idea for Earth Day. He gathered energy, expertise and commitment from Republicans, Democrats, experts and educators, to raise the political will to force environmental protection onto the national political agenda.

On April 22,1970, 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment in massive coast-to-coast rallies. That energy led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts. Much of what was created by the will of the people is shockingly in danger again.

Yes, there is darkness all around, but that’s when we really get to see the light. You can choose to shine.

Don’t get overwhelmed and try to act from that place.
Feel your feet on the ground. Breathe. Then act from that place, if you choose.

Happy Earth Day.
Love Debra

For simple ways to experience more of the peace, joy and wisdom that are within you, check out my new e-book here. Turns out I’m not the only one who loves it:

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