Why Just One? The 30 Day Love Explosion

If you’ve signed up for The 30 Day Love Explosion you may be thinking of a number of people you’d like to Love Bomb all month. But I strongly recommend you choose JUST ONE.

If you’re like most people you’re already being pulled in too many directions, you’ve got too much on your plate and there often aren’t enough hours in the day to do what you want to do. Hey, life is complex.

This is Simple.

Choose just one. For 30 days you’re going to be focusing your attention on that one person. And great things happen when you pay attention. You’ll be noticing the things they do and the ways they are that you really love and appreciate. You’ll be noticing how their ways make you feel, and you’ll be expressing it daily. By keeping it to one person you set yourself up for success.

You’ll be amazed at what this simple focused act will bring to your life. More on that later….

So, who you gonna choose?

Want more?Sign up for my free e-book, A Taste of Pleasure

4 thoughts on “Why Just One? The 30 Day Love Explosion

  1. My intention for the 30 Day Love Explosion in June is to reflect, celebrate and re-member my life and why I love it, and, to truly see and love… ME!
    I have noticed that I shy away from questions about what makes me most proud in my life, or when asked to recall an life achievement, I go blank. I cannot think of a single thing that makes me proud, or which I would consider an achievement.
    I am not looking for a better marketing package for Moi, I just became aware that I have not honored my self, my choices and my unique dance, and I am no longer comfortable with this. I am no longer willing to withhold my adoration and acceptance (LOVE) from myself.
    I am aware in this moment how much less vulnerable I would feel had I chosen any of the tremendous loving beings who make my life sweet, my family and my friends, but each of them is reflected in me so they are honored with this as well.
    thank you for creating this space, Deb……see you on the other side

  2. Great idea, Deb and love that you chose yourself, Michele!

    I’m choosing my husband, David, because, well, I love him!

  3. Michele
    Here’s to your willingness to be boldly vulnerable ~ and to all the power that holds!

    Peter, good choice. I love David too!

  4. I choose my niece, Leanna. Why? Because from the first moment I saw her as a newborn, she has taught me about unconditional love.

    And Peter, if you are reading…. well, I love David too.

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